Wednesday, April 6, 2011

WHAT...the fuck.

Please tell me I'm not the only one that has to put up with the absolute bullshit that amounts to Blogger's formatting.

I was looking through my "50 things I hate" post and saw that I made a miniscule typo. So I went to edit the post, literally changed two letters in a single word, and published it. Now the entire post is a complete mess, and I honestly don't even know where to begin in fixing it.

The post was laid out and numbered 1-50, but now instead of a long list it's one giant clusterfuck of a paragraph. I went back and pressed enter after numbers 1-50, but when I published, nothing changed.

This is not the first time I've wanted to punch my keyboard because of blogger. The line spacing issues are complete bullshit as well, and if I'm trying to post pictures, I won't be done fucking around with my post for a good hour.
I am seriously becoming miserable because of these formatting issues, and if this keeps happening, I'm so switching to Wordpress.

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