This sure as hell isn't the first time I've received this type of passive aggression from a chick, and while I usually retaliate by making awkward eye contact and a creepy smile, the line was fucking crossed last night.
While hovering one of the toilets in a stall with a shower curtain for a door, I heard a small group of chicks enter the bathroom. One says to another, "Do you think she can feel us judging her?" and the group proceeded to cackle like a cluster of hens.
This infuriated me at the time, because I just wanted to tear open that shitty shower curtain and scream at them, "Do you guys HONESTLY think anyone gives a shit about you besides yourselves???? Amazingly fucking enough, GDI chicks don't just sit around wishing they could be YOU all day!!" I knew they weren't even talking about me necessarily, I just couldn't believe how self-centered these girls could be.
But then it hit me. The whole reason these chicks are shooting girls like me death glares and making fun of us in the bathroom is because deep down, we make them feel threatened. We make them feel self-conscious, and we intimidate them. They try to rip us apart so they can feel better about themselves. I never sit around ripping on sorority girls with my friends, and you know why? Because they don't intimidate me in the slightest. They're merely a blip on my radar.
This doesn't just apply to sorority girls either, any jealous bitch who is hating on you really is just saying that she hates herself. And I don't mean to say that all sorority girls are catty bitches, I know plenty of girls that are Greek that are upstanding individuals. However, the majority of my experiences with them have been more like my story above.
Sometimes it's not always easy to remember that a girl who hates is a girl who hates herself. I'm an hugeeee fan on Nick Minaj because not only is she a bad bitch, but she doesn't give two shits about the girls who spend their time hating on her. She said in an interview, "When people see there is one person getting a lot of shine... it makes them feel unhappy with themselves. The small minded people feel unhappy with themselves. The intelligent girls just take the things they like from my journey and they apply it to their journey."
While Nicki may not be a very conventional role model, she inspires the fuck out of me not only creatively, but with her infallible confidence and powerful persona. Too many girls think that guys will only like them if they're docile and ultrafeminine, but there I go on rambling again. My point is, take everything a girl says when she's ripping on you with a grain of salt. Whatever she attacks you about, is really what she hates about herself.

So instead of stooping to their level and ripping open that shower curtain and tearing them a new one, I simply walked out and rinsed my hands as complete silence fell over the gaggle of girls. I gave each one of them a moment of eye contact and a smile and then breezed out of the room with a confident strut and went back to the party. Whether they laughed to themselves after I left or remained quiet doesn't matter. I am who I am and I will never feel like I have to live up to anyone's standards but my own.
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