So he's still acting like a dramatic yo-yo of emotion, and probably will continue to act this way for a while. Just got re-friended on facebook by him again, not surprised in the least. I wrote him a letter (speaking out loud isn't my forte) and I'm about to send it as soon as I finish this post. I basically told him that he's acting like he cares a lot more that he does, or should. Also, that if he continues to act like a soap opera star I won't be continuing to communicate with him. If that pisses him off he can suck it I guess, I'm really done feeling bad about this. I would have felt way worse if he wasn't such a shithead these past couple of weeks. But as it is, I don't see myself giving a shit for a while.
Amazingly enough, something good came out of this too. New man-friend, whatever you wanna call it. He's totally adorable (albeit skinny), plays like 7 different instruments and is ridiculous in the sack. Not to mention he's funny as hell (a must in my book) and somehow manages to treat me like a princess but respect me and treat me like a real human being all at the same time. He kind of just kicks ass in every way possible. I was kind of scared at first cause I didn't want him to start liking me as anything more than a hookup. Too bad I started liking him too. Even though we are more than a strictly sexual relationship, we're both totally on the same page as far as keeping this thing we have un-complicated. No drama, no jealousy, no bitchy texts, no drunk dials, no worrying about "what we are" or whatever bullshit people like to use to fuck up their relationships.
We went to six flags the other day with one of my main bitches from high school and her new man-friend and it couldn't have been more fun. At one point a group of guys started hitting on me and instead of being an annoying jealous guy about it he just smiled at me and ignored it. How refreshing right? I'm also pretty sure he's the first guy I've been with that my friends also think is cute. As if he didn't kick enough ass.
I'm gushing like a total loser right now but it feels good to be more positive at the end of a long, hate-filled rant. I'm gonna go back to writing my normal shit in a few days, I promise. I've just had a lot on my plate lately (these past two posts have barely scratched the surface) and once my affairs are in order I will be back with vengeance. See ya soon? Hello? Anybody?
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