Well it's the end of yet another year. It's funny, because I remember being at Pretty Lights in the Congress Theater
last New Years and thinking, "wow, it's really 2011 already?" but for the past couple months now all I've been thinking is, "wow, it's really not 2012 yet?". This year feels like it was a long time coming.
I guess a brief recap is in order. I'll start with my top 3 favorite Christmas presents.
The first one is this abso fucking lutely beautiful Gretsch bass my Dad fixed up for me. It's even better than getting a brand new one because it's so custom! It's short scale (perfect for my tiny hands), super lightweight, but not too fragile either.

I've been leaving it at Matt's apartment because I don't really have any amps.

Don't you just love how the solid black body transitions to a greenish-gray wood finish, and then gets complimented by a pearly white pick guard?

My second favorite present was this antique ashtray Matt got for me. I'd been eyeing it at this antique store for months and one day it was gone, little did I know, he had snatched it up for me :)
The inside looks like a leaf or something, I love that color green.

But then if you flip it over it looks like a boat or something. I'm not sure what significance of the etching on the bottom is, but it makes it seem special, doesn't it?
My third one I've picked because of function, not

fashion. They're pretty fucking hideous, but these boots can be worn in -25 degree weather. I can't wait to wear these to class now. Bring it on, Chicago winter. Yeah I didn't even bother taking a picture of these with my nice camera because they're really nothing to look at.
For New Years, I was going to go with Matt to Grant Park and go to the firework show/party that's held there every year. But plans fell through for one reason (or another...) and we just ended up going to a friend's party. One kid showed up with literally a small mountain of Cocaine and I don't think I went to bed until 7am. Then I woke up at 9. Fun right?
I'm excited to start a fresh new year and to go back to school. How generic of a conclusion right? Peace out