My first post, huh. I really hate telling people about myself. It's boring.
Lets see.... I'm female. I'm in college. I'm in the City of Chicago. I like good food, partying, and my friends.
My thoughts on Obama? He's not the Messiah, so please stop acting like he is. I don't look at him as the worst president ever, but as much as his idealism raises our spirits, he isn't just pulling resources out of his ass. People who are employed, people like me, have to give up larger and larger portions of their paychecks (money WE worked for) to "government"-funded programs. And as much as I'd love to pay your mortgage, I'd like to pay off my college tuition first. I'm not being overly cynical. I just know that a solution to one problem is the start of another.
My thoughts on Drugs? Laissez-Faire. Drugs don't ruin lives, people ruin their own lives. Do I smoke weed? Yes. Have I done other drugs? Yes. I'm pretty open about that to everyone I know. I will never do crack, meth, or heroin. The drugs I have tried (and by tried I mean on occasion, non-habitually) are psychedelic in nature. I also drink regularly. I don't have an alcohol problem, nor a pot problem. I'm not sure I even believe someone can have a pot problem. Lets be honest, the people who think pot is a scary addictive problematic drug have
never done it before. It's much less harmful than alcohol.
My thoughts on sex? I think the human body is a beautiful creation of nature that should be celebrated. I'm not into "sleeping around" as people might say. But I don't think waiting till marriage makes sense these days. In ancient times, religious leaders told their people to wait until marriage mainly to prevent millions of little bastard children running around with no daddy to feed them. But with our modern advances in birth control, any smart girl should be able to express her sexuality with someone she finds deserving.
OK, that's enough offending people for one day. I respect your opinion whether or not you agree or disagree with me. Please respect mine. Goodnight.
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