I was studying for my Gender Studies midterm via a review guide my teacher posted online. I was doing this in one of my school's many computer labs. For some horrific stroke of bad luck, I ended up sitting next to a total freakshow. The kid looked normal when I sat next to him, but my wandering eyes left me soon to realize that that wasn't the case. No, not at all.
After 5 or 10 minutes, I glance over at his screen, and he's looking at porn! On a school computer! He wasn't really even being stealth about it, in fact, he seemed too busy stroking his chin and staring intently at the screen. I turned my head towards him and gave him the dirtiest look I could conjure up. He didn't even have the balls to make eye contact with me and simply changed the screen for roughly 5 seconds before going back to his XXXfest. Even the lab supervisor walked up (cause DUH, they see everything you're doing) and said that he needed to cut it out or he was going to kick his creepy ass out of there. Once again, switched the screen for a few seconds and then went back to acting like a 13 year old boy.
I wish my story ended there, I really really do. I was texting some of my friends about it, saying how ridiculous it was, and pointless really. It's not like he was gonna whip it out right then and there. Right? Right? Well, that may have technically been true, but he certainly tried to improvise.
Yep, I look over and the little freak is sliding his hand into his jeans pocket. Thats when I jumped up, grabbed my shit, and got the fuck out of dodge. Why the hell wouldn't he use his OWN computer for that shit? Does he get off to being aroused in public? Who the hell decided to admit him to my school? Am I going to be scarred for life?
What a friggin pervert. It kind of creeps me out that kids like that just wander around my school as well as colleges everywhere going completely unnoticed. I think I'm going to start carrying a tazer with me at all times.
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