But hooray for the semester officially being over! I can finally rela-- oh wait. No I can't. I've got so much shit to do this week. I won't bore you with all that though.
Unfortunately for me, I can't really get anything done until this hangover from hell subsides. I guess that's what you get when you combine bong rips with whiskey, red wine, and 312. (Do people that aren't from Chicago drink 312?)
The weird thing that happened to me last night though was running into an old fuck buddy of mine. We messed around for a good six months, but we were sure to never become serious. Well, he was sure at least. I'll admit that I liked him. I thought he liked me too, but most likely I was just a piece of ass to him. Anyways, I'm long over him and am tons happier with who I have now, but I can't help but feel ridiculously awkward whenever I see him. I don't even know why. I guess him coming on to me last night didn't help.
All I did was fall asleep on the giant ass couch and next thing I know he asks if he can share a pillow with me since they seem to be scarce. Thats fine, I suppose. It's not like cuddling means anything anyways. But he kept turning my face to him and trying to talk to me, and I really wasn't having it. He kept saying how "awesome" I was and beautiful and unique and all the bullshit he used to say to get in my pants. But I'll dig deeper into the story of our frienship-with benefits next time.
I just fucking hate how boys do that. They just tell girls whatever they want to hear because they know it'll get them laid. They don't realize how seriously the girl is taking what they're saying, and how awful they'll feel when they realize that the guy was just bullshitting. I'm just glad I was wise enough this time to see though the bullshit.
Needless to say, I ended up sleeping on the floor. And despite all I put up with I am enthralled to see my boytoy when he comes home for break this saturday. Sex marathon? I think so.
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