2 days off from class? Yes please. It was like a weekend in the middle of the week!
First thing on my blizzard to-do list? Jumping into snow drifts off 2 story balconies! Yep, it was pretty amazing landing into 8 feet of powdery goodness after soaring through the crisp winter air. While I don't recommend anyone trying that on the regs, the conditions on this day were most ideal.

Moving right along, I had my first encounter with homemade ice bongs this Tuesday. I don't mean a bong that holds ice in the chamber, I mean a bong made entirely of ice! Yep, I pretty much figured out how to do it myself, and I've gotta say, it's not that hard! I had a guy friend that got into making them over the summer, but winter really is the best time to make them! They last much much longer because the cold weather doesn't melt them as fast. I think I'll post an ice bong how-to in the near future.
I didn't really have as much of an exciting time on day 2 of the Snowpocalypse, mostly just got caught up with my schoolwork and did a whole bunch of laundry.
So I guess winter still has a lot to offer after all! And while I still have to worry about frost bite and my dress shoes getting ruined by salt for the next couple months, at least I've found some great ways to get creative and avoid the cabin fever!
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