The downright dirty part of the weekend was getting to see Pretty Lights in Detroit!!!! Seriously, it was fucking incredible. I thought I was going to cry at one point the show was so beautiful. The only thing I was pissed about was that it was an all-ages show, meaning it had to be over by midnight. Seriously, when it was over I felt like I could have danced for another 2 hours. Mainly because of the illegal substances that were scrambling my eggs but I could have been sober and had just as much fun! Oh. Did I mention I'm seeing them on New Years too? Yup. Except this time, I won't have to drive to the butt hole of America to get to the show. They're playing here, in Chicago!
So a series of crazy things happened after the show on Friday. Walking out of the theatre, there was a thick hazy fog surrounding the city. I was super loopy at this point, so I had to really focus to make sure that I was in real life. You literally couldn't see for than 5 feet in front of you. It was kinda creepy, actually. Then. Out of nowhere. I feel someone wrap their arms around me from behind. I jump around, startled, and it's a fucking drunken midget hobo wearing an Eskimo coat! I wanted to shriek and take a bath in purel but instead I just stared at him/her with dinner plate eyes as he/she continued to stumble through the fog.
Then, amidst all of the confusion and inability to see, we realize that we are literally standing in the middle of a busy street, blocking traffic. We realize this because a cop literally drove up next to us with his siren yelling on his speakers to get the fuck off the road. I really couldn't handle all of the craziness at this point. But I still had to find like 3 or 4 people that got separated from us in the chaos. And I was dying of dehydration.
So eventually I find the rest of my friends and hop back on the party bus and start heading back to Ann Arbor. However, despite the fact that the driver says he totally knows where he's going, its really starting to feel like we're lost as hell. The fog sure didn't help, but finally we made it back on the I-94. We get back to Ann Arbor and get dropped off at this frat because they're the ones that paid for the bus. Mind you, that we're still in our skimpy rave outfits and we still have to walk back to our friends house later in like 30 degree weather.
One of the boys at the house is drinking straight out of their Brita water pitcher, and lets me have as much as I want, but he insists that he pours it into my mouth. So I played his flirty little game for the soul reason that the icy cold water tasted like liquid candy to me in the moment; a sweet, life-sustaining elixir. Of course I end up with water all over me though, and had a fun sprint in the cold back to our friends house.
We sat up talking until 5 or 6 in the moring since we were so wired sleep really wasn't an option. But then I made the wonderful discovery of Advil PM in one of my million zipper-compartments in my purse. Thank god I'm such a pack-rat. Soon after popping them shits I entered a trippy-ass dream world. I couldn't even tell if I was awake or really just hallucinating hardcore. I was a fun ride though, I'll give it that.
Overall, I'll give Friday's Pretty Lights show a 4.5 out of 5 stars. It was my third Pretty Lights show, and the only thing that I didn't like was how soon it ended! New Years should be the shit cause it HAS to go late late late. I'll post a review for that show as well. But for now, I am swamped with schoolwork until Thanksgiving, and gots to go!!!!
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