Friday, March 25, 2011

How to Make Every Other Girl's Boobs Look Boring.

Yep, I've finally hand-bejeweled my very own bra, and it only took 2 nights and about half an eighth. I've got to say I'm quite pleased with myself, there is definitely nothing out there like this unless you're willing to drop a pretty big chunk of change. I ended up gluing a design in the center between the two cups as well, but this is a general idea of the end product. If you want your own bedazzled boobies then I can show you what I did and you can figure the rest else for yourself.

So obviously, you need a bra to start off with. I wanted a black background behind the jewels so I
bought this black demi from Target. You don't have to get a new one, you can just use any old
one if you wanna save cash, but all my black bras were too meshy or too lacy to use.

I just went down that aisle in Michael's with all the rhinestones and grabbed anything I liked. I tried to go for a variety of colors and shapes, and yes I bought more than you can see in the picture. I just took out all the doubles and triples so you could get an idea of the variety.

I used a glue by Loctite that the guy from Home Depot recommended to me. I was about two seconds from just buying Gorilla Glue when I saw this shit. I'm so glad I did because this stuff has awesome hold, but is still really flexible, which is good considering there is going to be some
substantial movement when this bra is actually worn.
I started by lining the outer edges of the band with these square shaped crystals (see below) in white to give
the bra somewhat of a border.

Surprisingly, I actually did start off with a general pattern despite how chaotic the end result
looks. I placed the larger jewels in diagonal lines and then tried to place the few shapes around and in between to look random. Then I basically just worked my way with smaller and smaller jewels until the gaps were filled.
Don't ask why I decided to do one cup at a time, I guess it would have just gotten way too

It took me the entire first night to do about 3/4 of the first cup and then the second night I had more of a hang on my technique which made me finish the rest up in less time. I recommend using a pair of jewelry tweezers (or a cosmetic pair you don't care about getting glue on) and squeezing a drop large enough to expand only slightly larger than the bottom of the gem when pressed into the bra. You want the glue to expand out slightly because it will ensure the jewels are secured on not only by their foil backing, but the actual plastic as well. If you don't, then the plastic will eventually fall of and all that will remain is the foil. Trust me. Other than that, good luck and enjoy your blinged boobs. ;)


  1. fuck blogger and it's pathetic ass formatting. seriously. i was too tired to fuck around with it for 2 hours so thats why it looks like a mess.
