First thing on my cheap haul? Jizz. Yep, one of my favorite fashion blogs, http://www.bleachblack.com/, has come out with a few shades of nail polish with some hilarious names. This pearly, shiny white color is appropriately called Jizz, and will be perfect for Spring. BleachBlack brand nail paint usually goes for $12.95, but today I bought it for $2.99!

Next thing in my haul? A new ass, of course. I've always wanted a pair of Robin's Jeans, the embroidery on the back is ridiculously adorable plus they've got a touch of spandex in the denim that gives them that comfy stretch. This pair of black Robin's was going for $140 at a retailer in BoysTown, however, they happened to be having a 75% off sale and I got these bad boys for 35 smackers. The best part? The only pair on sale was the one in my size! It's good luck like that that makes me punch the air with glee. Moving on...
About a week ago I discovered this website called http://www.knottyboy.com/, al

Last in my haul, I got these peacock feather tights that I'm so stoked I found before any of my friends did. Because I think I'm literally in love. These were only 10% off for 24 hours, which still made them an overpriced 20 dollars, but I figured they should at least be good quality and not rip after I wore them like once. Lets hope.
So there you have it. New wardrobe without going broke. I'd like to dedicate this post to my mom for teaching me to be patient, and wait until January 20th to do all my post-holiday shopping. They will get desperate. They will mark shit down till it's dirt cheap. You just must wait. And screw all you snotty ass ho's out there that think discount shopping is so below you. Some people actually have to work for their money, and no one is gonna care how much you paid for your shit when I look equally cute. The end.
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