This, of course, started a seemingly never-ending, pointless argument consisting mainly of whether or not these sweet, stinky nugs were causing damage to my brain. To which of course we have both very strong opposing opinions on. I'm guessing you can figure out who stands for what.
I'm sorry, but last time I checked, I have an above average GPA. I have a job, and manage the majority of my finances. Not to mention my parents have made me wait to get my wisdom teeth removed FOUR fucking months after my dentist said I should have had them out. Which means I'm in pain. Alot of pain. And since weed tends to be the universal cure for all moderately painful ailments, I've been indulging more than I usually would.
I've ovbiously posted about this before, but why is it that parents are the first to point a finger at marijuana for all their children's problems? Did they forget their college years?
This frustrates me to pieces because this is one of the most horrible parent topics to argue. It always ends with both parties throwing their hands up in the air in exhaustion.
Can anyone let me know how they've broken through to their parents about letting them smoke?
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