Sunday, April 29, 2012

Beach Day

 It's a shame that blogger deteriorates the image quality so much when I upload photos here.
I took this photo on a Canon 35mm and edited it through Adobe Photoshop. With a little help from one of the few Walgreens that still develops film, they took my negatives and converted them to jpeg files on a disk so I could edit them on my computer.
I love how this photo balances Matt with his two brothers (Chris is in front of the sail boat wayyyy in the back) in a perfect equilibrium.
Needless to say, it was a beautiful day to take pictures.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Green Tea Ice Cream

"Like Mother Earth's Breastmilk"
-A Friend of Mine

Friday, April 13, 2012

Just in Case the Whole, Shitting-In-Landfills Thing Didn't Matter to You...

Riddle me this, when did CONSERVATION stop being conservative? It's in the name, isn't it?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

One Man's Trash

Went to a hospital thrift store today. Had some really great stuff, super unique and eclectic.

I found this skirt in the children's section (hooray for being 5'3"). It's pretty high waist on me, and it falls at about mid thigh. I can't tell if that's how it was made to fit or if it was supposed to be a really long skirt on a very young girl.

These flour and sugar containers are so Art Deco, no? I have a cool clock that I purchased a while back that would look beautiful with these in my next kitchen.

Annnnd that's all I could carry in a paper grocery bag on my bike handlebars. Definitely need to head back there ASAP. There's a pair of candlestick holders with my name on them.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Gimme Gimme Gimme

I don't really diversify my array of shoe styles. I feel like my shortness just makes me look like a child playing dress-up whenever I wear heels. Flats are too girly, and they never have enough arch support. The only shoes I ever feel truly comfortable in are over sized heavy boots. You know, big enough to kick off easily and to get some nice air flow going.

I used to wear Dr Martens back in my grade school days with my plaid skirt and monogrammed sweater vest. Despite how much I might have disdained that pair I once owned, I am absolutely in love with this pair of 1460s in Navy. Definitely don't wear enough blue on my feet.

If you happen to be a prospective internet sugar-daddy, please contact me about sending these my way ASAP.


A very broke girl.