Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Retail Therapy :D

First thing on my cheap haul? Jizz. Yep, one of my favorite fashion blogs,, has come out with a few shades of nail polish with some hilarious names. This pearly, shiny white color is appropriately called Jizz, and will be perfect for Spring. BleachBlack brand nail paint usually goes for $12.95, but today I bought it for $2.99!

Next thing in my haul? A new ass, of course. I've always wanted a pair of Robin's Jeans, the embroidery on the back is ridiculously adorable plus they've got a touch of spandex in the denim that gives them that comfy stretch. This pair of black Robin's was going for $140 at a retailer in BoysTown, however, they happened to be having a 75% off sale and I got these bad boys for 35 smackers. The best part? The only pair on sale was the one in my size! It's good luck like that that makes me punch the air with glee. Moving on...
About a week ago I discovered this website called, al

Last in my haul, I got these peacock feather tights that I'm so stoked I found before any of my friends did. Because I think I'm literally in love. These were only 10% off for 24 hours, which still made them an overpriced 20 dollars, but I figured they should at least be good quality and not rip after I wore them like once. Lets hope.
So there you have it. New wardrobe without going broke. I'd like to dedicate this post to my mom for teaching me to be patient, and wait until January 20th to do all my post-holiday shopping. They will get desperate. They will mark shit down till it's dirt cheap. You just must wait. And screw all you snotty ass ho's out there that think discount shopping is so below you. Some people actually have to work for their money, and no one is gonna care how much you paid for your shit when I look equally cute. The end.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Thoughts on...Obnoxious Ringtones.

It's not just the atrocious song that drives me absolutely up the wall, but it's the fact that the owner of phone never makes more than a half-assed effort to silence it. Or even worse, they'll pick up their phone and proceed to have a 5 minute conversation without even leaving the room.
I suppose I'm old fashioned when it comes to cell phones. I roll my eyes when people pick them up in restaurants. I grit my teeth when I watch my mom surf the internet while she drives. But there is no way that someone can think that broadcasting their x-rated ringtone in the middle of a god damned library is somehow acceptable!
Similar to the obnoxious ringtone people, there seems to be a new species rising among public and highly inappropriate places. These people like to blast entire songs on their cellphone speakers. Because why would they use a set of earphones when everyone within a 100-foot-radius can hear the absolute horse shit they're listening to? I've been a victim of this type of torture while walking down the street, riding in train cars, even in elevators. Yes, that's correct, a girl in my dorm last year liked to blast Cascada in a tiny confined elevator.
Do I have a huge stick up my ass? Am I a total bitch? Or is this seriously inconsiderate? People will never always see eye-to-eye on certain types of etiquette, but isn't there a universal rule against subjecting strangers to horrible crap?
Ugh, people...
cell phone,
ring tones,
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Bear Down!!!!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Sex Horror Stories!
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Fuck Buddy,
Horror Stories,
Sex Stories
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I am excited nonetheless, though. I am excited to not be stuck in my family's house anymore. I am excited for the smell of new textbooks and the clean slate of new teachers.
I am excited to start my new weed-diet. Yup, until midterms, I am choosing to only smoke on the weekends. This isn't some New-Years resolution or Lent sacrifice, this is a real deal I've made with myself just because I need to know that I can do it. For me. And I'm excited for myself.
I'm also excited to start making jewelry. I used to be really in to making earrings and such and I figured I'd take it up again since I won't be relying on sweet mj for my extracurriculars anymore. Who knows, I might even sell them on the etsy account I created a few months ago, and if not that, I wanna bring them to Summercamp Fest this May to trade for booze and drugs. Last year at Summercamp I got this pair of earrings from some roadie girl walking around selling jewelry out of her backpack. They've been my favorite pair ever since.
The final thing I am excited about is getting my tattoo. Yep, at some point between now and my birthday (le 20 Avril) I will be getting my very first ink. I know exactly what it will be and exactly where I want it, but I'll save my time describing it to you and post a picture once I have it.
So there you go, an optimistic post to cancel out the one I wrote straight out of mope-town yesterday. I hope all is well with everyone (and anyone) reading this. Wish me luck!
(and yes, I love David Bowie and don't know why I haven't quoted him before on this blog)
Monday, January 17, 2011
Let the torment begin.

I can feel my winter rut coming on, and there's nothing I can do to stop it. Not only am I broke for having every single person in my family celebrate their birthday between the months of November and January, but the end of winter break has left me feeling unproductive. Since school is a 40 minute drive from my family's home, I am always the last one to leave at the end of breaks. I feel like I don't belong in this ghost town anymore. I feel like I'm in limbo.
That on top of the utter sex drought I am about to embark upon should be plenty to keep me good and ornery for weeks to come.
The only things that make me really feel better when I'm like this are shopping (regrettably I am an avid practitioner of retail-therapy, despite my general disdain for acting like a high-maintenance bitch), writing (hence the reason for the blog; I wouldn't do this if I was merely interested in being "discovered"), abusing my body (not in the self-mutilating sort of way, more like the alcohol-poisoning sort), and sleeping (best cure for anything). Between school and work, my life will be on a rotating cycle of the 4 activities i mentioned above, with an emphasis on the last three.
Why am I bitching into my black hole of a blog about this? Because I'm supposed to be staying on top of my shit. And I can't let the majority of people in my life know that I just want to hibernate until April. It's not that I don't have plenty of people to talk about this to, I just tend to bottle up my emotions when I can. I can't stand it when people wallow around in self-pity all the time and I refuse to become one of those people.
So that's my rant. I'm not sure if I was going somewhere with this or just needed to open up a vent in my emotional vault. I do feel better though, and I swear to myself that next post will be a complete 180 on the mood spectrum.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Coming to an end...
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Don't tell me how to live my life!

This, of course, started a seemingly never-ending, pointless argument consisting mainly of whether or not these sweet, stinky nugs were causing damage to my brain. To which of course we have both very strong opposing opinions on. I'm guessing you can figure out who stands for what.
I'm sorry, but last time I checked, I have an above average GPA. I have a job, and manage the majority of my finances. Not to mention my parents have made me wait to get my wisdom teeth removed FOUR fucking months after my dentist said I should have had them out. Which means I'm in pain. Alot of pain. And since weed tends to be the universal cure for all moderately painful ailments, I've been indulging more than I usually would.
I've ovbiously posted about this before, but why is it that parents are the first to point a finger at marijuana for all their children's problems? Did they forget their college years?
This frustrates me to pieces because this is one of the most horrible parent topics to argue. It always ends with both parties throwing their hands up in the air in exhaustion.
Can anyone let me know how they've broken through to their parents about letting them smoke?
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Badass Biker Chick?
Summer is a long way away. But for some stupid reason, stores love to start selling skimpy summer clothes (excuse me, "resort wear") after the first of the year. So now I'm buying a ton of cute shit that I can't even wear for another four months. Bullshit, right? But I can't help myself!
Anyways, I've been seeing these H&M ads on the
cta and billboards lately with this woman wearing these tight leather pants like these:

And despite how un-versatile the whole leather pants look is, I couldn't help but wonder how cute it would be if I bought the cheap-ass faux leather H&M pants and then made them into shorts. I could wear them with all kinds of tops and shoes and it would probably make my butt look nice too.
I'll keep you posted on how this endeavor is working out.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
A question only a stoner would ask.
But for some reason, I always start to wonder about what this place looked like before there were settlers, or even what it would look like today if people didn't exist. I know it had to be incredibly beautiful. When I take my dog to play in the snowy ravine by my house, I wonder what it would be like if it could have been 10 times bigger. Or 20 times. Or 30 times. This world must have been an amazing sight for its first settlers, and I see why Native Americans looked at the world as such a wonderful beautiful thing. It sort of makes you think about everything you have in your life that you consider to be "important".
They say Chicago was a giant wild onion field when the Illini first discovered it, hence the name. So tell me, am I the only one who thinks about this shit?
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